Corporate action to reduce methane pollution from livestock is one of the most impactful and immediate opportunities to drive innovation, build resilience, and create a more sustainable and profitable industry. For food companies throughout the value chain that source dairy, beef, and pork, methane is a significant source of their agricultural emissions, and actions to reduce methane will be critical to mitigating the business risks created by worsening and costly extreme weather events that are disrupting corporate operations, productivity, and bottom lines. Join this webinar to hear insights from Ceres and technical experts on practical and innovative ways companies can address livestock methane in the supply chain.
During this webinar, participants will:
Learn the business risks and opportunities livestock methane poses to the food sector.
Discover how companies along the food value chain are exposed to livestock methane.
Identify key strategies companies can use to incorporate methane action into a climate transition plan.
Gain insight into how financial institutions can engage companies on methane action.